Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System

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The second workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System took place on August 29 – 30, 2024 in the Universitätsclub Bonn, Germany.

The program is available below.

A short post is available at: 

The workshop brought together the leading groups that develop large-scale neural networks for weather and climate.

Topics include:

  • machine learning-based numerical weather prediction

  • climate emulators

  • AI-based Earth system component models

  • machine learning from observations

  • foundation models for the Earth system

  • evaluation and explainability of large-scale machine learning models for weather and climate

Would you like to stay updated and receive information about future workshops? then Subscribe HERE

For questions please contact us via email:


When: August 29 – 30, 2024

Where: Universitätsclub Bonn, Konviktstr. 9, 53113 Bonn

Scientific Organizers: Martin Schultz (Jülich Supercomputing Center), Christian Lessig (ECMWF), Jürgen Gall (University of Bonn), Dale Durran (University of Washington), Matthew Chantry (ECWMF)

The local organizing committee: Hana Mohammed and Sybille Y. Scheele (CESOC coordination office), Daniel Minge (TRA1 Modelling, University of Bonn)


We gratefully acknowledge the support by
CESOC, ECMWF, the TRA Modelling at the University of Bonn, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Cologne.


Abstracts Submission closed. Notification has been sent out to the authors.

For the abstracts of the talks, please have a look at the program below and click the titles.


Registration is closed

Registration fees and deadlines:

registration type registration fee deadline, 2024
in-person, student reduced price
(with verification)
50 €
(registration deadline ended)
June 15
in-person, full price 120 €
(registration deadline ended)
August 7
online 20 €
(registration deadline ended)
August 27


  • In-Person registration fees include access to the venue, extended coffee breaks and lunch for the 2 days.

  • Online registration fee includes professionally filmed Livestream. Link will be sent within 24 hours before start of the event.

  • All registered attendees will be provided with recorded lectures after the event.


(All times are in CEST (UTC+2))

The access to the sessions recordings is password-protected and restricted to registered participants (passwords shared via email)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

8:45 – 9:20 h Registration

9:20 – 9:30 h Welcome (co-chairs)

9:30 – 10:30 h Talks Weather

Session recording: Link to watch here

10:30 – 11:00 h Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 h Talks Weather

Session recording: Link to watch here

12:30 – 13:45 h Lunch

13:45 – 15:15 h Talks Weather

Session recording: Link to watch here

15:15 – 16:30 h Coffee break and poster session (1:15 h)

16:30 – 17:30 h Perspective talks from weather centers

Session recording: Link to watch here

17:30 h Adjourn

19:30 h (self-paid) Conference dinner at Delik‘Art restaurant – Colmantstraße 14-16, 53115 Bonn (set menu, 40€ per person plus costs for your choice of drinks)


Friday, August 30, 2024

09:00 – 10:15 h Talks Climate

Session recording: Link to watch here

10:15 – 11:30 h Coffee break and poster session (1:15 h)

11:30 – 12:30 h Talks Climate

Session recording: Link to watch here

12:30 – 13:45 h Lunch

13:45 – 15:00 h Talks Climate

15:00 – 15:20 h General discussion: where do we come from, where do we go?

15:20 – 15:40 h Wrap-up, announcement of 2025 workshop

15:40 h Adjourn

Session recording: Link to watch here


List of Poster


Tobias Biegert Probabilistic Benchmarks and Post-Processing for WeatherBench 2
Daniele Corradini Self-supervised learning using satellite imagery for evaluating cloud structures in ICON-GLORI
Geert De Paepe DIRESA – A Deep Learning-based, nonlinear “PCA”
Reda ElGhawi Hybrid-Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Fluxes Using Integrated Machine Learning in the ICON-ESM Modeling Framework
Thomas Hamill Global reforecasts from MPAS with mesh refinement over the US and Europe, and their use in deep learning diffusion downscaling
Cathal O’Brien Optimising the data parallelism of ECMWFs AIFS model
Leonardo Olivetti A comparison of state-of-the-art data-driven and numerical weather forecasting models for weather extremes
Romain Pic U-Net-based Methods for the Postprocessing of Precipitation Ensemble Forecasts
Felix Pithan Representing atmospheric boundary-layer processes: A challenge for classical and deep-learning models
I.J.S Shokar Learning Local Dynamics to Generalise Emulation of Stochastic and Chaotic Systems
Roope Tervo On EO-observations for training ML-based weather and climate models
Xiaoxu Tian A Neural-Network Based MPAS—Shallow Water Model and Its 4D-Var Data Assimilation System
Jens Winkler (Michael Denhard) Singular Vector perturbations with Pangu-Weather



Alexandre Belleflamme AI applications for the generation of a pan-European ecosystem reanalysis relying on the eLTER Research Infrastructure
Antoine Blanchard Hybrid, Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Natural Catastrophe Modeling (online only)
Apostolos Giannakos Precipitation Nowcasting with Diffusion-based ML model using Era5 data (online only)
Mikhail Ivanov High resolution climate change information through a convolutional neural network (online only)
Charlotte Lange lluminating Climate Dynamics: Towards Causally Informed Machine Learning Emulators for Climate Models
Jussi Leinonen NVIDIA Earth-2 tools for scalable training and inference of AI Weather and Climate models
Felix Nahrstedt Scaling the Superemulator for ClimateSet: Extending Machine Learning Capabilities to 36 Climate Models
Corey K. Potvin WoFSCast: A GraphCast-based emulator for the NSSL Warn-on-Forecast System (online only)
Miodrag Rancic Optimization of parameters of the Multigrid Beta Filter (MGBF) for Application in the Real Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Approach (online only)
Carlos Rodriguez-Pardo An Uncertainty-Aware Generative Model for Predicting Extreme Climate Events
Lilly Schwarz Optimisation of physical dynamics in DL for climate simulations
Ganglin Tian Nonlinearity for improving sub-seasonal forecasts in Europe

Bonn has a variety of hotels at various price points. We recommend to book early since Bonn has many business travelers and hotels tend to become booked out and/or expensive.

Some recommendations:

  • Motel one Bonn | cheap budget design hotel & very close to the workshop location (

  • IntercityHotel Bonn (

  • Hotel Kurfürstenhof  (