CESOC continues the seminar series “My research” Fridays, but this semester at 3:30 pm in which members of CESOC will give a talk on their research and are happy to answer questions afterwards in a short discussion. 

It will be held via Zoom and is open to any interested person within the CESOC research disciplines (any Earth system sciences, mathematics or computer science). Please contact the coordinator Sybille Yvonne Schoger, if you would like to participate.

We are happy to welcome you, starting on Friday, April 22, 2022. You find further information in the table below. The titles of the upcoming talks will be updated successively.


Date Speaker Title Affiliation
08.04.2022 Semester start – no seminar
15.04. Good Friday – no seminar
22.04. Prof. Carsten Burstedde Adaptive grids in high performance computing and applications in geophysics Institute for Numerical Simulation,
University of Bonn
29.04. Prof. Georg Bareth Remote and Proximal Sensing of Vegetation Institute of Geography, University of Cologne
06.05. Dr.-Ing. Jan Martin Brockmann Computational Geodesy: Challenges in the Analysis of Satellite-based Earth Observation Data Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn
13.05. Dr. Anne Caroline Lange Inverse Modelling for Air Quality Applications: Connecting Models and Observations to Optimize Emissions Institute for Energy and Climate Research – Troposphere (IEK-8), Forschungszentrum Jülich
20.05. Prof. Jochen Garcke Machine Learning meets Numerical Simulation Institute for Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn
27.05. Day after Ascension – no seminar
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang Software Engineering for Research Software: Relevance, Challenges, and Best Practices Institute of Computer Science
Software & Systems Engineering,
University of Cologne
03.06. Geoverbund summer party – no seminar
10.06. Pentecost – no seminar
17.06. Day after Corpus Christi – no seminar
24.06. Prof. Roel Neggers

Hemispheric evaluation of clouds in large-eddy simulations based on ray tracing

cancelled due to illness

Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology,
University of Cologne
01.07. Prof. Jan Vanderborght Modelling the role of vegetation and roots in the soil-plant-atmosphere system Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Agrosphere (IBG-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich


! 5:00 pm
in person

Prof. Jan-Henrik Haunert Combinatorial Optimization in Cartography and Geographical Information Science Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn
15.07. Prof. Yaping Shao

The “Our Way” Model: a Framework for Modeling Ancient Human Mobility in Changing Climate

postponed to next semester

Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology,
University of Cologne