On Tuesday, October 08, 2024, CESOC hosted its second annual Members’ Assembly (MA), this time moving it into Cologne at the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, bringing together CESOC members from the three partner institutions, along with the distinguished CESOC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members and guests from ECMWF and CNR-ISAC to jointly continue shaping and developing the vision of CESOC’s future.

The number of CESOC members has been growing since the previous Members’ Assembly (First Assembly, June 2023) and reached more than 100 members as beginning of October 2024. This year’s assembly was special as the CESOC SAB also joined and had their own first meeting in-person prior to the MA program in the afternoon.

The MA program started in the afternoon with welcoming remarks by Susanne Crewell (CESOC Founding Director, University of Cologne) and followed by an overview of CESOC highlighting CESOC’s ongoing research activities and future developments as well as introducing the SAB members.The members were encouraged to support, suggest and contribute to the further establishment of CESOC and its future activities. 

The scientific symposium that followed featured two keynote lectures. The first, by Bill Bell and Mark Parrington from ECMWF, focused on the potential for collaboration between CESOC and ECMWF in areas such as reanalysis and the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). The second keynote, delivered by Martin Schultz, provided insights into how deep learning is shaping the future of numerical weather prediction.

Attendees then enjoyed a series of lightning talks covering topics from multiscale observations to the chemistry-climate link, before breaking out into interactive session where members provided input about the ongoing activities and proposed some ideas with the aim towards developing CESOC. The day concluded with a vibrant poster session where 16 posters were presented, followed by an engaging networking session.

The Members’ Assembly usually takes place once a year setting the frame for the members to evaluate and discuss the development of CESOC. This assembly marked CESOC’s commitment to continuing development and to achieving a positive evaluation which is planned for the next year!



Pictures © CESOC
Pictures © CESOC

If you would like to register for membership and for more information, please visit the page: https://cesoc.net/become-member/ or contact us info@cesoc.net.