Prof.’in Claudia Stolle: Exploring the ionosphere and the near Earth magnetic field by multi-satellite missions

Prof.’in Claudia Stolle, GFZ PotsdamWhen: 10 March 2021 Title: Exploring the ionosphere and the near Earth magnetic field by multi-satellite missions Abstract: The geomagnetic field builds a shield around Earth that protects our atmosphere from severe intrusion of solar particles. The Earth’s magnetic field emerges from different sources in the Earth’s interior and in near […]

Dr. Jörg Schulz: Climate@EUMETSAT: Systematic Support to Climate Science and Services

Dr. Jörg Schulz, Eumetsat, DarmstadtWhen: 12 April 2021 Title: Climate@EUMETSAT: Systematic Support to Climate Science and Services Abstract: Since about 10 years, EUMETSAT is systematically utilising the maintained unique archive of space-based observations collected by missions exploited by EUMETSAT and partners for the production of consistent fundamental climate data records through re-calibration of space-based observations […]

 Corinne Le Quéré: The Contemporary Global Carbon Cycle and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on CO₂ Emissions

TALK: Game Changers – Carbon Cycle and Covid-19 The International Space Science Institute (ISSI, Bern) hosts an Online Series talk on Title: The Contemporary Global Carbon Cycle and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on CO₂ Emissions by Corinne Le Quéré (University of East Anglia, UK) on Thursday, 22nd July 2021 at 17:00 CEST. You can participate via zoom. […]

Dr. Martin Palkovič: Computing at ECMWF and transition to new Bologna datacenter

Dr. Martin Palkovič – Director of ComputingEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reading, UK | Bologna, Italy | Bonn, Germany Title: Computing at ECMWF and transition to new Bologna datacenter Please click here for more details and the zoom link:

Kresimir Matkovic: Interactive Visual Analysis for Ensemble Simulations

Kresimir Matkovic – head of the interactive visualization group at VRVis Research Center in Vienna will give a guest talk within the Visual Analytics lecture at University of Cologne, When: 23 June 2022, 12:00 – 13:30 CEST, Where: building 321: Hörsaal II (Physik) Title: Interactive Visual Analysis for Ensemble Simulations Abstract: Simulation ensembles — multiple […]

Prof. Dr. Michael Felderer: Making Research Results more Explainable and Sustainable

The Key Profile Area “Intelligent Methods for Earth System Sciences” of the University of Cologne is inviting to their first Colloquium. For more details, please visit the KPA-Website by clicking here. Prof. Dr. Michael Felderer Director of the DLR-Institute for Software Technology and Professor of Software Technology at the University of Cologne, will present Selected […]