study programs
Within the CESOC disciplines the partners offer the following study programs at their respective location.
University of Bonn
Master of Science
- Computer Science
- Geodäsie und Geoinformation
- Geodetic Engineering
- Geographie
- Geowissenschaften
- Mathematics
- Physik
- Physik der Erde und Atmosphäre
- Plant Sciences
Graduate Schools
- Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M)
- Bonn International Graduate School Land and Food (BIGS-LF)
University of Cologne
Master of Science
- Computational Sciences
- Geographie (german)
- Geowissenschaften (german)
- Informatik/Computer Science
- Mathematik (german)
- Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere
- Environmental Sciences (IMES)
- Physics
Graduate Schools
- Albertus Magnus Center (AMC) for the whole University of Cologne
- Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS)
- Graduate school of Mathematics/Informatics (GraMatIK)
- Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-Lee)
Graduate Schools
- Albertus Magnus Center (AMC) for the whole University of Cologne
- Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS)
- Graduate school of Mathematics/Informatics (GraMatIK)
- Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-Lee)
Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Compact Course Atmospheric Dynamics & Chemistry
- HPSC TerrSys Fall School
- study program in cooperation with the FH Aachen, german only:
Mathematisch-technische/r Software Entwickler/in MATSE + B.Sc. Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik (BAMI) (dualer Studiengang)
darauf aufbauender Master
Graduate Schools
- Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Energy and Climate Research (HITEC)
- Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-Lee)
In general, several Professorship are teaching at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne and Master theses can be written in collaboration with the FZJ.
©Frank Homann/Uni Bonn (le); Uni Köln (mi); Forschungszentrum Jülich (ri)